Same-Day Crowns are the ability to restore a damaged tooth with a high-quality crown in just one appointment made possible through the use of CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) technology.

Advantages of Same-Day Crowns

  • Efficiency: Emphasize the time-saving aspect, as patients can have their crowns designed, created, and fitted in a single visit.
  • Convenience: There’s no need for temporary crowns or multiple dental visits, making the process straightforward and hassle-free.
  • Precision and Comfort: CAD/CAM technology ensures a precise fit, reducing the chances of discomfort and adjustment.
  • High-Quality Materials: Same-Day Crowns are made from durable, tooth-colored ceramics, ensuring a natural look and feel.
  • Reduced Anxiety: For patients who feel anxious about dental visits, minimizing appointments can alleviate stress.

The Process of Getting a Same-Day Crown

  1. Initial Examination: Describe how the dentist examines the tooth and decides if a same-day crown is the best option.
  2. Preparation: Outline the tooth preparation process, including any decay removal and shaping of the tooth for the crown.
  3. Digital Impressions: Explain how digital impressions are taken of the tooth using a camera, eliminating the need for traditional impression materials.
  4. Design and Milling: Detail how the dentist uses CAD/CAM technology to design the crown on a computer. The design is then sent to an in-office milling machine, which carves the crown out of a ceramic block.
  5. Placement: Discuss the final steps where the crown is tried on for fit and color match, then permanently bonded to the tooth.
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