If you are looking for dental veneers in Tijuana, our dental office is your best option.

We achieve outstanding aesthetic results by employing the finest materials available and partnering closely with premier laboratories.

Dental veneer

What is a dental veneer?

A dental veneer is a thin, custom-made shell designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. These shells are bonded to the teeth, changing their color, shape, size, or length. Veneers can be made from porcelain or from resin composite materials. Here’s a brief overview of each material:

Procedure for dental veneers

The procedure typically involves three steps: the initial consultation, the making of the veneers, and the application. 

During the first visit, the dentist will examine your teeth to ensure dental veneers are appropriate for you and discuss the procedure. 

second visit, the dentist will prepare your teeth by removing a small amount of enamel and then make an impression of your teeth. This impression is sent to a dental lab, where your veneers are crafted. 

the final visit, the dentist will temporarily place the veneer on your tooth to examine its fit and color, make any needed adjustments, and then permanently cement it in place, achieving an improved appearance of your teeth.

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